St. Albans Recreation
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Soccer - Adult Co-Ed League (Summer 2025) Register View Cart

Adult Co-Ed Soccer-
Summer 2025


  • Games will be played on Monday evenings.  One game at 5:30pm and one at 6:30pm.  A third 7:30pm game may be scheduled depending on number of teams.
  • Games are played on a field size 65 yards by 40 yards and with 7x9 ft goals. 
  • Games will consist of (2) 25 minutes halves.
  • Games will be 5 v 5 - with a minimum of 2 females on the field at all times.
  • Registered teams should all wear a uniform color shirt/jersey for games.
  • Shin guards are not required but highly recommended.
*A full schedule will be put out before the first week once teams are finalized-below are the game dates*

*June 30th
*July 7th
*July 14th
*July 21st
*July 28th

A point person for each team will need to register their team name and color. Payment must be made at the time of registration.  Please contact Lee at the Recreation office (802-524-1559 OR before registration to confirm your team color.  

Claimed Colors
  • Tye Dye-St Albans Recreation
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Team Registration 
16y - 200y N/A 06/30/2025 - 07/28/2025
05:30 PM - 07:30 PM

Hard'ack - Recreation Fields
$100.00 R, $130.00 NR
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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