About the Program
The name sounds serious, but Masters is just the term we use for an adult swim workout supervised by a trained coach. Masters programs exist around the country. Some are low key and meet a few times per week. Others are more serious and participants choose to attend meets. There’s even a national meet. It’s pretty cool. Our masters program is designed for adults (18+) to get together to complete swimming workouts, practice stroke refinement, build cardiovascular endurance, set goals, work as a team, complete challenges, and stay fit!
Mondays & Wednesdays 6:00-7:00am
Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:00-1:00pm
Swimmers can attend as many practices as they like. Practice sessions will have a coach on deck or in the water. If for some reason a coach is not present, a written workout will be posted poolside. Expect to swim anywhere from 1,000 to 3,000 yards depending on your ability. Coaches modify distances and intervals so that each swimmer can experience a good workout.
Practices will take place in the 6-lane, 25-yard area of the pool. We expect anywhere from 2 to 6 swimmers per lane on busy days.
Equipment Provided
* Kickboards
* Pull buoys
* Vasa trainers
* Time clocks
* Paddles.What You Bring
* Goggles
* Towel
* Water bottle* Fins and or Training Snorkel (optional)Prerequisites
Swimmers must be able swim at least 200-300 yards without stopping, and be able to demonstrate some knowledge of Freestyle, Backstroke and Breaststroke. Note: Butterfly, Flip turns, Racing dives are not required.
U.S Masters Swimming
Our program is not an official USMS swim club, but is coached by certified USMS coaches that hold memberships. If you would like to compete in sanctioned meets, you would need to join USMS. Information can be found here: https://www.usms.org/
Meet the Coach
Dee Christie
U.S. Masters Swim Coach Level 2
Aquatics Director r.centeno@stalbansvt.com