Learn to ski & ride at Hard'ack - For kids ages 6 and up. The hill is closed to the public for these special nights of lessons. Only kids registered for programming will be allowed to ski/ride. The hill will be closed immediately following lessons. Bundle up and join us - 'cause if you can ski/ride Hard'ack you can go anywhere! Each participant must supply their own equipment. Lessons are weather (snow :)) dependant.
Snowboard lesson registration is active below. As soon as we receive confirmation from the ski team, we'll enter that info as well.
-Each participant must have their own equipment.
-These classes are for beginners.
- Tow rope can rip and tear gloves. Make sure to wear glove protectors or older gloves.
Members of the BFA ski team and snowboard team instruct these classes. These Athletes will help guide the kids on tips and tricks to help them get better on the snow.
Our philosophy? We want this to be a great introductory experience for participants. If it is extremely cold lessons may run closer to 30 minutes depending upon how the kids are holding up. It's not fun when you're freezing :(
Program Note: This schedule is subject to change due to hill/weather conditions as well as changes to the competition schedule of the team members who instruct the classes. We're all at the mercy of the elements and will try to keep you informed as quickly as possible of any necessary changes.